Creation 101: Radiometric Dating And The Age Of The Earth

LaviFruit / ngày 17 tháng 04/2023
Chia sẻ

The U-Pb
concordia-discordia method is one of the most powerful and
reliable dating methods available. It is especially resistant to
heating and metamorphic events and thus is extremely useful in
rocks with complex histories. Quite often this method is used in
conjunction with the K-Ar and the Rb-Sr isochron methods to
unravel the history of metamorphic rocks, because each of these
methods responds differently to metamorphism and heating. For
example, the U-Pb discordia age might give the age of initial
formation of the rock, whereas the K-Ar method, which is
especially sensitive to argon loss by heating, might give the age
of the latest heating event.

The principles of original horizontality, superposition, and cross-cutting relationships allow events to be ordered at a single location. However, they do not reveal the relative ages of rocks preserved in two different areas. In this case, fossils can be useful tools for understanding the relative ages of rocks.

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(115, p. 283) states that “there is excellent laboratory
evidence that external influences can change the decay
rates,” but the examples he cites are either IC or e.c. For example, in
the first (1973) edition of his monograph on radiometric dating,
Slusher (117) claims that the decay rate of 57Fe has been changed by as much as 3 percent by electric fields;
however this is an IC decay, and
57Fe remains Fe. Note, however, that even a 3 percent change in the
decay constants of our radiometric clocks would still leave us
with the inescapable conclusion that the Earth is more than 4
billion years old. First, the
chemical properties of rubidium and strontium are quite
different, and thus their behavior in minerals is dissimilar. Rubidium is an alkali metal, with a valence of +1 and an ionic
radius of 1.48 Å. It is chemically similar to potassium and
tends to substitute for that element in minerals in which
potassium is a major constituent, such as potassium feldspar and
the micas muscovite and biotite.

When they come crashing to Earth, analysis of their composition
can be geologically analyzed. What does the age of Earth have to do with the age of the solar system? As it turns out, when you discover the age of one planet using meteorites, you have determined the age of them all. Meteorites are the oldest objects in the solar system, having formed shortly after the Sun and during the earliest stages of planet formation.

A useful estimate is that after ten half-lives, the amount of parent material remaining is too small to be useful in calculating radiometric dates. Some minerals in rocks and organic matter (e.g., wood, bones, and shells) can contain radioactive isotopes. The abundances of parent and daughter isotopes in a sample can be measured and used to determine their age. Years ago, a group of creation scientists set out to explore the question of why radiometric dating methods give inflated age estimates. We know they do because of the aforementioned tests on rocks whose origins were observed.

To estimate a radioisotope age of a crystalline rock, geologists measure the ratio between radioactive parent and stable daughter products in the rock. They can even isolate isotopes from specific, crystallized minerals within a rock. They then use a model to convert the measured ratio into an age estimate. The models incorporate key assumptions, like the ratio of parent to daughter isotopes in the originally formed rock.

The Canyon Diablo meteorite is important because it represents a class of meteorites with components that allow for more precise dating. During the century after Lyell and Darwin and up until about 1950, the reaction of practically all Christian leaders was to accept uniformitarianism and the radiometric ages, accommodating them by either the gap theory or the day-age theory. For the reasons discussed above, radiometric dating is not the absolute Time Clock that it has been portrayed to be by faithful evolutionists. In order for this kind of estimate to work, certain assumptions must be used.

Excess argon invalidates the initial condition assumption for potassium dating, and excess helium invalidates the closed-system assumption for uranium dating. The ages shown on the uniformitarian geologic time scale should be removed. Today’s evolutionists base their age of the Earth on their interpretation of radioactive elements. They assign 4.5 billion years to earth based on the belief that earth itself evolved, so to speak, from a molten mass. But they cannot directly date the earth using selected isotopes because they believe all rocks have cycled over imagined eons, leaving no original rocks to test. Researchers age-dated a meteorite to sometime around the age they would accept.

Flat Gaps Challenge Long Geologic Ages–by Ariel A. Roth

【Paragraph 3】Some meteorites consist of rocky material and, accordingly, are called stony meteorites. Others are metallic and have been designated iron meteorites even though they contain lesser amounts of elements other than iron. Still others consist of mixtures of rocky and metallic material and thus are called stony-iron meteorites. Meteors come in all sizes, from small particles to the small planets known as asteroids; no asteroid, however, has struck Earth during recorded human history. Some meteorites consist of rocky material and, accordingly, are called stony meteorites. There’s always the opportunity to get more accurate and precise measurements of Earth’s age, Lapen says, particularly as researchers take additional samples from the moon, meteorites and asteroids.

This technique is often used to date igneous rocks and very old rocks. The long half-lives make this dating technique suitable for especially old materials, from about 1 million to 4.5 billion years old. If you want to know how old someone or something is, you can generally rely on some combination of simply asking questions or Googling to arrive at an accurate answer. This applies to everything from the age of a classmate to the number of years the United States has existed as a sovereign nation (243 and counting as of 2019). Keep in mind that while this chapter reviews the technical details behind radiometric dating, only two very basic but completely catastrophic “fatal flaws” undermine radiometric dating. The presupposition of long ages is an icon and foundational to the evolutionary

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However, the rubidium-strontium method suggested that the lava flow at the top was 270 million years older than the basalt at the bottom of the canyon.[6] This would be impossible. Very often samples of unknown ages are tested with conflicting results that are clearly problematic. This statement
was as untrue when it was first written in 1973
(117, 1973 ed., p. 35) as it is today. New
techniques using accelerators and highly sensitive mass
spectrometers, now in the experimental stage, have pushed these
limits back to 70,000 or 80,000 years and may extend them beyond
100,000 years in the near future. Turner,
however, made no such comment about excess argon in lunar rocks,
and there are no data in his report on which such a conclusion
could be based.

Sciencing_Icons_Science SCIENCE

As time passes, argon accumulates in the rock as a result of radioactive potassium decay. When scientists analyze these rocks and compute the ratio of argon to potassium, they can determine how long it’s been since the lava cooled. When scientists date rocks from our planet this way, the oldest dates they find are 4.5 billion years. To determine the age of material, researchers compare the ratio of the parent and daughter products that were initially in the sample with the ratio of these products at the current time. Many accept radiometric dating methods as proof that the earth is millions of years old, in contrast to the biblical timeline. Mike Riddle exposes the unbiblical assumptions used in these calculations.

At the start time (zero half-lives passed), the sample consists of 100% parent atoms (blue diamonds); there are no daughter products (red squares) because no time has passed. After the passage of one half-life, 50% of the parent atoms have become daughter products. After two half-lives, 75% of the original parent atoms have been transformed into daughter products (thus, only 25% of the original parent atoms remain). After three half-lives, only 12.5% of the original parent atoms remain. As more half-lives pass, the number of parent atoms remaining approaches zero. Radiocarbon dating is the most common method by far, according to experts.

This is consistent with the assumption that each decay event is independent and its chance does not vary over time. Cultures that existed prior to modern scientific scholarship generally did not imagine ages much beyond the longest time they could imagine – generally, thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of years. As they lacked any idea of modern scientific principles, religions were free to imagine whatever timescales seemed appropriate to their belief systems.

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